At the Martin High School we believe that all our pupils are equal. Our uniform allows pupils to feel part of one community, whilst being both comfortable and smart.Uniform Purchase
Schoolwear Solutions
64 London Road, Oadby, Leicester
Martin High School uniforms
MARTIN HIGH SCHOOL DRESS CODE – Non PE day Compulsory items for all learners:
- School Blazer –it is to be worn to and from school and around school all day
- Tie & lanyard - They should be worn at all times.
- White Shirt – Formal in design and tucked into trousers/skirt at all times.
- Trousers – Black formal, traditional style school trousers. (They should not be – Skinny trousers, jeans or jean-style, leggings or tracksuit bottoms). Black tailored knee length shorts are allowed.
- Skirts – Black and pleated or flowing (no skin tight skirts- body con style) - 90 denier tights or plain black leggings must be worn under the skirt.
- Shoes/trainers – Plain black no white soles.
OPTIONAL CLOTHING: Plain black V neck jumper or cardigan to be worn under the school blazer not instead of the blazer. CLOTHING THAT IS NOT PERMITTED:
- Hoodies –Not appropriate for school, pupils should wear their blazer or coat as outdoor wear.
- All outdoor clothing, (coats, hats etc…), are not to be worn inside the school buildings.
- Jeans or jean-style trousers
- Skinny fit trousers
- Lycra (stretchy material) pencil skirts
- Makeup – If pupils wish to wear makeup it should be subtle and lightly applied. Pupils will remove make up if it is deemed too garish this includes if eyelash extensions are too heavy and long.
- Nails – Nail varnish is permitted however this must be removed for food technology. Acrylic or gel nails should not be longer than the end of the finger.
- Piercings- Only simple studded earrings are permissible. Hoops, rings, semi-circular, or any other piercings may not be worn.
- Jewellery – Jewellery must not be excessive. Necklaces may be worn under shirts and should not be visible. (if excessive jewellery is seen learners will be asked to remove it)
Confiscation of items: Any items that have been confiscated such as hoodies and mobile phones will be held in reception until the end of the school day for the learner to collect. Please be aware our school policy is, if a learner refuses to hand over a non-permitted item, this will result in internal exclusion the following day. As a school we currently ask our learners to attend school on PE days in PE kit, this is a policy we are reviewing as uniform on these days is particularly challenging. We have listened to student voice and made an adjustment to the female PE kit on PE days only, allowing learners to wear black sport leggings. MARTIN HIGH SCHOOL DRESS CODE – PE day Compulsory items for all learners on PE days:
- School Blazer –it is to be worn to and from school and around school all day. (Blazers should only be taken off during the school day, when direct permission is given by a member of staff.)
- Martin High PE T-shirt- this must be worn by all learners
- Black joggers or black SPORTS leggings – if leggings are not sporty and/or see-through you will be asked to change into spare PE kit.
- Shorts may be worn for PE - Not Lycra or stretchy material and must not be fitted. No cycling shorts or Nike Pro.
- Trainers – Plain black no white soles.
- If you wish to wear a jumper on PE days this can be:
- MHS sports jumper with the logo- this maybe worn during the PE lesson
- V neck jumper or cardigan -Plain black -To be worn under the school blazer not instead of the blazer, this must be removed for PE lessons
- Hoodies are not permitted
ANY LEARNERS IN PE KIT ON DAYS THEY DO NOT HAVE PE WILL BE ASKED TO CHANGE INTO SCHOOL UNIFORM As we return from the break, we ask parents to check again that learners are wearing the correct uniform in line with our school policy. Where we are seeing learners that are not wearing uniform in line with our policy, they will spend the day in internal exclusion and parents will be contacted. All learners have been spoken to today to reiterate the importance of school uniform and to clarify the uniform expectations, so that they have the half term to organise their uniform correctly.