Values and Ethos
“Be kind. Work hard. Aim high.”At Martin High, we have a clear set of proud beliefs that drive our school. Everyone works together to make the school a safe space and learning community where everybody is valued.
The great strength of our school is in the community, the quality of relationships and the care that staff have for pupils and pupils have for one another. No one learner is more important than anybody else. Everyone tries hard to understand a prouder way and work both for themselves and for others.
The great purpose of the school is to teach our pupils how to become effective learners. With the right attitudes; skills; knowledge and capabilities within our broad and balanced curriculum, they are set up for life. We want all pupils to understand the power of learning during their time in our community.
Within our school each learner is regarded as a unique individual who will develop their own pattern of learning. The focus is on community, development and learning that enables them to grow as a proud person. Everyone is unique, but everyone is to be equally respected.
We have high expectations. Our pupils have a drive to excel that is second to none. They achieve well academically, but more importantly develop and flourish as people. They learn to value both themselves and their community.