Academic Progress Evenings
We are constantly looking to review and improve our parent-teacher communication and collaboration at the Martin High School.We truly believe that we can make the difference to your child’s progress by working closely together with you as a parent or carer.
Booking your child’s upcoming APE appointments
Click here for the event booking system
Five areas of discussion
Your child’s teachers will discuss the following areas during the APE, which we believe are the five fundamental areas of their learning and progress at our school:
Progress – how your child is currently meeting their potential in each subject area.
Attitude to learning – how they are currently behaving and trying in each lesson.
Classwork and homework – what their day-to-day classwork is like; effort and progress made in homework tasks.
Overall presentation and literacy – how well they are presenting their work, to the best of their abilities, and how well they are demonstrating the basic literacy skills of correct spellings, capitals, punctuation marks and grammar.
Strengths and next steps – Outlined strengths and a clear EBI (‘Even better if…’) target to improve progress within each subject area.
Please note, we are moving away from a system of discussing ‘levels’ or ‘grades’ with pupils and parents at KS3, as we want to ensure that we truly focus on pupil progress (success and next steps), rather than simply their attainment. We will discuss levels at KS4, as pupils build towards their GCSE exams.
We hope that in making these changes, we will be providing you with clearer, more effective and more pertinent feedback regarding your child’s progress at the Martin High School.
We very much look forward to seeing you on the evening.